- Maya LOVE of Magus
- Emma Dog
- Happy Dog
- Cool Friends
- precious Paisa
- gorgeous John
- Sophie Walking Drum
- Tigger
- Saint Francis Blessing
- Sophie Walking Drum
- Devotee Odie-Ram
- Saint Francis Blessing

lovely Shasta
lovely Shasta
lovely Shasta
Warm thanks to GreaterGood.Org for making us aware of these noble creatures. Thank you and BLESS you GreaterGood.Org for your fundraising efforts, your passionate community of donors, and your commitment to the well-being and continued care of all 33 lions.
On the ground: Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary and Animal Defenders International (ADI) worked together to bring 33 rescued circus lions from South America to South Africa. The lions new home is now at Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary in Limpopo, South Africa. ADI says the climate and environment at Emoya are perfect for the lions and they are delighted that these lions who have suffered so much, will make Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary their forever home!
Full story: http://33lions.org/meet-the-33/