- Amazing Grace
- Amazing Grace
- Auggie
- Auggie Doggie
- Libby Quigley
- Libby camping nap
On this ¤FULL MOON SOLSTICE¤ day, take time to be still and connect your Heart to the beating, pulsing heart of the cosmos. Both SUN and MOON at their peak, align to bring us illumination of the patterns that need to be rewoven within our own psyche, within our relationships and within the greater collective Reality. The arrow of Truth is swift and on point bearing the Way.
Blessing Requests for Libby, Red Rooster, Ember, Adidi, Tina and her 4 kittens, Bayley, and the Rhinos.
Tina and her 4 black and white kittens
From Scotty Martin, Tiger Cat, age 4
For Sophie Walking Drum, Tortoise Shell Cat, who passed at age 18.
She Let Me
She was young and unmarred, at least to me. She had the gravity of the Earth, and stars orbited around her head, which seemed to fill the whole sky.
She let me, let me be near her, and give her the comfort of one who has also lived not knowing if there would ever be an end to Hard.
She smiled at me, her golden, fang-y smile, and that light played upon my ears and brow relieving my leaning hard into life.
My body felt an inner softness, at last, and peace came into my heart.
Others wondered how I was allowed near, near the lightning paws.
We knew about living hard times. She said I had courage, and that made her near to me.
She sobbed at one time, about her kittens born years ago, and asked forgiveness for not asking my own particular hurts. Though loved for many years that thorn, she cried, still stuck.
I promised to love her family always—I am the youngest boy, now! She said they’d need another such stalwart heart when hers stopped.
I asked her to stay till all of us were set strong enough in Light and more assured, and she did.
She did not like to show us her final hardships, but she at last let go her face of Dignity and Strength to Receive. My Cat friends and I made a Soul-Circle round her, letting all that hurt her fall into the swirling, weaving energy-basket of our care. She shed into it glorious fur, green leaves of pain, glances of appreciation and handed back to us the hive of her Wholeness.
Her spirit left, unscathed, as we marveled, convinced.
She let me near. Let me see,
She let me Be Me, once again, and I love her.
Sacred is the time when Loves meet and Life entwines … One’s Soul then Grows.
With a grateful, stalwart heart,
Scotty Martin & Brother Avery guardians of Sophie
This year, 12 rhinos have been killed in India’s Kaziranga National Park.
Facts about Rhino Horn: Four rhino species and one subspecies are protected as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. This law makes it illegal to import or export rhino and rhino parts and products; it also prohibits interstate commerce. Rhinos are also protected globally under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. These animals face extinction in part because of the world’s longstanding lust for their horn, which has been valued for centuries as a carving material and medicinal.
Blessing Request for horse Bayley, friend of Ally Justis.
Blessing Request for Ember, Libby and Red Rooster.