Human-friend of Magus, Sheila wrote:
Frankly, I’m stymied by a bio for Mr. M. Don’t know what to say, but I’ll just share what comes:
Magus is woven into the fabric of my daily life not just the routine rhythms, but the unfolding spirit of each day.
He is the clown, the musician, the mime, the muse … adept at all variety of birdsong, dog barking, cell phones (& all too many other digital sounds!) human voices & expressions that appeal to him (laughter being of particular interest,) master singer, and whistler/improvisor extraordinaire . He is “l6 going on l7” and learning that song from THE SOUND OF MUSIC as we approach his birthday in December.
He has a lifelong girlfriend named Maya. They began life together sharing an incubator both having had early structural challenges at birth. Maya moved from the CA Foothills to Guanajuato, Mexico a few years ago. They FaceTime now to stay in touch – tapping the screen with their beaks, fluffing up their feathers, chatting, trying to feed & preen each other. So moving, so sweet. Magus is my family and my mentor. He reminds me to live attuned to All Life.
Magus Gradison Invocation Prayer
I Fly.
I am at home in the ethers. The ethers, also, that fill your bodies, and it is on this wind that I fly into your hearts today.
My environment, my world is the same as yours; May you take care of it!
This begins with care of each of your own inner cores, for all you will see without you will have expressed, created, from within.
See yourselves be at Play!
It is your seriousness that un-grounds you.
May each of you be Blessed to …
Give into the gregariousness of Life.
Love all Beings.

Love the One in the mirror, as you reflect more than you may know!
Pray to understand what Giving Nature we are all Of.
Be friendly.
Be at Peace in the world.
Show your Beauty.
Above all, take care of All Beings.
This means, all Creation. Every speck calls for your love, and offers you love.
Take off powerfully, in strong leaps, to this Flight,
As I am flying with this message, into your hearts!